A home at 190 Almendral Avenue is seen with a “For sale” sign in July in Atherton, the most expensive enclave in the Bay Area. Bay Area home prices are projected to grow slowly if at all this year.Photo: Jessica Christian / The Chronicle 2019Realtor Denise Liew waits for prospective buyers in a home in San Mateo in 2018. The explosive increase in home prices in the region has slowed.Photo: Liz Hafalia / The Chronicle 2018Greg Antipa (left) and wife Wendy Thieler-Antipa talk to their real estate agent during an open house in San Francisco in April. Experts expect the Bay Area to be the nation’s coolest housing market this year, according to a survey commissioned by Zillow.Photo: Liz Hafalia / The Chronicle 2019
Austin, Texas, is expected to be the nation’s hottest housing market this year and the Bay Area the coolest, according to economists and real estate experts surveyed for real estate website Zillow.
On average, the panelists said they expect U.S. home prices to grow by 2.8% in 2020.